seriously, I have much to tell... :)

11 June 2008

things we have to go through in life

Remember the time when you laboriously elaborate how you want your hairstyle to your hairstylist and then have your hair turn out like something else?

Because he thinks
-it suits you better
-it is the current style, everybody wants it
-it will look nice on you. who knows? never try never know!
-your head is a good platform for experimentation
-that he has done a mistake somewhere and tries to cover it up
-you deserve it (maybe)
-he is Midas (whatever)

He probably didn't think this - "But that's not what my customer WANT".

Clearly, he has missed the first semester of his hairstyling course. -_-


Anonymous said...

if his hair were made up of brylcreem, i'd light it on fire.

yvonne lee said...

good idea man.