seriously, I have much to tell... :)

20 July 2008

new gadget!

I've got a new toy (and no, not battery operated!)! Well, it is not a Wii or PSP or DSLite or a tall, cute guy or whatever worth blogging a mile about but it is pretty cute and useful!

Introducing - the mini, flexi, non-slip and multi-tasking tri-pod!

I know. Cars screeching to a halt, waiters dropping trays, people dropping jaws, dogs dropping bones, cats stop licking themselves etc etc. A little bit on the anti-climax side but it is cute! And useful! And cheap! And comes in lotsa colours! (but I only managed to get this blue one. Will hunt for a white or pink one) And it is small and portable! "Available in pasar malams near you. Camera sold separately," I almost chimed.

I spent some good 3 minutes to explore how I can utilize its flexibility.

You could prop it on a chair...

You could hook it on a table... should there be a need to take a photo of you lying on the floor

As my friend suggested, you could "hug" it on some tree branches when you are out in the wild and still need to camwhore yourself... as demonstrated here:

Now, my baby can take a photo of itself sideways, that way, this way, all by itself! no need to be on a flat surface!

Look ma, no hands!

*Btw, just wanted to note that I dislike Tesco tissue paper. It is rough and it smells. Must be a punishment when I decided on that very unfortunate day to buy a pack of Tesco tissues over Kleenex. Tsk. Tsk.


Anonymous said...

i dont think that'll hold mine.

Philip said...

ah ha~ u will need that very often!

yvonne lee said...

david: hey it is very sturdy and strong ok! but not hanging from a branch though... hee

philip: ohhhh yeah.:D