seriously, I have much to tell... :)

03 May 2009

what's with the weather?

Such beautiful weather today!!!

It is sunny and hot, as it has been all week, but is it also super windy! Nice. With my curtains making swish-swoshing sounds as they brush against the window sills, I almost imagined I was at the beach listening to lazy waves. Time to head to the pool.

Well, just want to note about something nice because everyone's been complaining about the weather lately. Everyone's been complaining about a lot of things lately... yes, me too! Time to look at the beautiful side of things.

Also, because I still have internet to use! hahahaha!! I'm running out of ideas on what to do with the connection. Paid all my bills, checked all my e-mails. Superpoked people on facebook and checked out everyone's walls and photos. MSN-ed to death. Googled for ideas for Mother's day presents. What else?!

Maybe I should go outside and play now.

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