seriously, I have much to tell... :)

30 March 2009


It was a pretty humbling trip back home this weekend as I went to help mom with looking after grammy for the "afternoon shift". Aunt Lily does morning and Aunt Lucina does night. Mom does the afternoon one.

As posted on facebook:

Today, I went with mom to grammy's house. Grammy is old now and can't really take care of herself. aunty Lily is looking after her there. She needs people to feed her, bathe her, etc... my job was to fan her with the super traditional rattan fan. The table fan/ceiling fan is just sooo uncool. Cool ya, grammy? My other job, when I'm not fanning her, is to apply eucalyptus oil on her temples and chest. She likes the minty feeling.

Grammy likes to hold people's hands/arms when she has nothing to do. Maybe she felt it was comforting. And warm. She says her fingers felt cold. She likes warm hands.

So while I was fanning her, she decided to reach out and hold my hands. OK, grammy, here you go, my hands.

I think she felt I was no good. She let go after 5 seconds and call for my mom. Because my fingers were not too warm and my wrists were pretty small. She didn't bother to reach out for my hands anymore after that. -_-

Oh well...

It was painful to see grammy because it was obvious she was suffering. Her actions, her words. I feel like it was how I felt when I'm sick, helpless, weak and in pain all over. Nothing is wrong - it is just the body weakening day by day due to age. sigh.

On the bright side, she has her own daughters caring for her. She hates strangers. Me too, grammy. :)


Philip said...

same thing happens on my grandma, weakening day by day. Heard some bad news from my sister regarding on her health issues :(

yvonne lee said...

sorry to hear that philip boy...