seriously, I have much to tell... :)

19 October 2008

quotes of the week

"What is worse than eating a piece of shit?"
"Eating your own shit?"
"No! Eating two pieces of shit!"

"OMG, can you believe I ran out of eyeliner?"
"You don't have spare?"
"If one day researchers find that eyeliners can cause some illness, I'll die."

"Ooh, I have one! Enhui told me this. Now, why is the sea blue?"
"It is a reflection of the sky?"
"No, because the fishes in the sea go 'blue, blue, blue'"


sTp said...


i seriously laughed so loud, jowee tot i was crazy... hahahaha

two pieces of shit! hahahah

yvonne lee said...

hahhaa.. i had the same lol reaction too!

aiya.. miss seeing u laugh... when i see u laugh, i'll automatically laugh! hahaha

Anonymous said...

suggest u buy more eyeliners..

yvonne lee said...

hmm... ya.. should store one in my bag, my pocket, my office, my make up case..