A picture paints a thousand words...
This paints that I'm going to face my finals soon (coming Monday) and that I'm not in the mood to study at the moment. But at the same time, the skull and bones sort of paints that I sense I'm in trouble. But the lackadaisical attitude shows in the fact that it has perfectly straight teeth and loves to brush its teeth. At the same time, the Purple Eyed Monster looks scary, like I'm really scared, but actually it was a mistake. My "e" turned out too ugly so I turned it into a monster. I couldn't think of anything for "a" so I made it a capital "A" in yellow and singing because that's what I want to achieve... I hope... I wish... I pray... As for the "m"... well, no comments. A lazy excuse which paints that I am really not putting much effort into this. Trust me. With effort, you could sell this on eBay. Last but not least, the "s". I have always used snakes as "s", ever since I knew how to draw and they were always green with black zig zag pattern on its back. How original, right? Anyways, it is actually wiggling to get away - don't know from what. I got a feeling it is headed for the beach. Wow. It really does paint a thousand words.
i've said it before and i'll say it again...
so free ar? got time to draw summore...
i think i said it before and i will say it again (because i think i did say it before)... it only takes me a few minutes to produce this! and 10 minutes to type this! about 15 minutes! to express myself! sue me, dude!
technically, he cant sue.. *grin* good luck, vonne dear. gambate! oosh!
sho, yes, i should have had a consultation with you first... i wonder about the charges... anyways, all the best to you too!
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