seriously, I have much to tell... :)

21 September 2009


I woke up this morning and the first thing that came to mind was the last thing that was on my mind when I drifted into slumber... "I don't want to be old!!"

I'm in the midst of a long weekend (whoopah!) and what better to do than catch up on some reading... and I happen to catch up on some sappy romance stories.

Its time to take a break from those self enrichment crap that I have lying around within reaches. It is quite difficult to comprehend why we just like to be told what to do ya. Well, they are not crap. Crap don't cost that much. They are just materials that, erm, I grab when I'm too free/feeling bored/feeling uninspired/eating an apple? They seem to be part of the metal particles that make up the steps on a ladder - an enhancement to the steps, I suppose.

Anyways, I have just finished The Notebook - courtesy of my buddy at work. It is a pretty short story written by a guy who looks like a fitness instructor (Nicholas Sparks) with a hollywood smile but it has pretty intense sweet love in it. Like in loads of decades.

I finished this book in a day and this morning, I woke up thinking, I don't want to be old! Closer to the end, the lead characters are both old and suffering. One from Alzheimer's (which is the worse of all) and another from various thinghies that old people eventually suffer from. I don't want to imagine coming to that stage. But of course at the very end, there is actually a twinkling of a happy ending. And to still be so in love when you're that old and sick - just the recipe for one of the most touching stories around. It's like reading Twilight x2.

Except that in Twilight, they all remain beautiful and young. I feel horrible now. I feel bad for the leads in the story. I always stay affected for a few days. My friends do not get this. The girls probably will. I have to read something cheerful or funny to neutralize it. Its either I stick to teeny boppy twilight-like books or serious newsweek or some enrichment craps for a while now. Or watch an even sadder Korean movie where one of the leads will surely have some illness. Sometimes I think maybe the amounts of BBQ that they consume inspire the scriptwriter's eventual conclusion that the sickness will be cancer. It's mostly cancer.

Or maybe I should just go out for some retail therapy..haaa.. for this, everyone gets it.


gray said...

..... srsly, what on earth r u rambling about?

yvonne lee said...


erm... told you guys don't get it...
