Luckily, my hotel have decided to add on some interesting activities for the employees and that includes Massage! So everything was on co-pay and so the staff only pay 50% of the price. Pretty cheap for massage. When else can you get a massage during working hours? The room was also scented with aromatherapy Lampe Berger and we even played Enya to enhance the overall experience. Everyone pretty much sulked when their session ended and they had to go back to work.
This gadget is for gently massaging older people but there is no use for it in my hotel. We all needed the deep tissue massage and the bones-cracking stretch.
The masseurs are both blind and because of that, they have a more sensitive touch and they seem to be able to pinpoint the problematic areas in all of us. They used terms like "blockages", "opening the chakras" and so on. Well, anything goes. They were very nice people who thought I was a small kid when they heard my voice. I must have shocked them. I did the neck and shoulder session last week and this week I had reflexology. Each small area on my sole seem to represent something so when the masseur, who has been quiet, decided to announce, "This is your kidney!", I was pretty worried. "So how?! Anything wrong with my kidneys?! Do you sense something?!" She then said, "No, no problem. Just telling you this is connected." Oh. Phew. It seems that from the session on my foot, the masseur could tell that I don't have any problems at the moment and asked me to drink more water.
Moving on, last Sunday was finally my convocation! Well, it was a pretty last minute thing but luckily many of my friends made it and catching up with them was very nice. :) My mom and my sis, Lisa, decided to grace the event with their presence too. Too bad my dad couldn't make it but I have since forgiven him.. :)
Well, lots more photos but they are in everyone's cameras! Shall wait for the professionally taken one to be sent to me.
And then the rest of the week was work, work and more work. Thaipusam being declared a public holiday was a very welcomed news. I very much needed rest. Then, as part of another staff recognition program, we had a party in Petrosains, KLCC! Well, this place is better suited for kiddy-widdies but there is always a child in all of us!
The place is very big and we have to enter through the Perjalanan Sekilas Masa or Dark Ride. Sometimes I don't see how they translate these things. The Perjalanan Sekilas Masa is a ride that shows us how the Earth was formed and how Malaysia have progressed and also how pretoleum has been one of the gifts from Earth etc etc. It is dark, yes, because we need to be able to watch all these screens along the way but it is not dark, dark. I actually thought it was going to be a haunted ride.
Petrosains teaches the guests science through the touch-and-feel stimulated learning so everyone gets to touch and play with all the gadgets and stuff inside. It also aims to teach people about how things are in the oil plant and gives us a peek into the lives of those who work for Petronas. One of the things were about how people were supposed to evacuate when there is an emergency. There is this big round tyre hung by ropes that will be suspended from a helicopter. So people are supposed to hang onto the ropes in a pretty ungraceful but secure manner and then get lifted off by the guys in the helicopter. Don't dig? Let us demonstrate:
And then there was T-rex. Nobody really paid attention to him (because we were all above 18) but it was him and his pals' deaths that helped produce petroleum! Due respect were given as we all posed for photos with him.
We all left a little more knowledgeable than when we first arrived. We now know how it feels like to be in a helicopter thanks to the simulation ride. We also now know how it feels like working on the oil plant because some parts of the plant vibrates like crazy 24/7 and there was a tiny platform which vibrates and we all get to try standing on it. It was one of my fave. Don't get me wrong! We just sound very funny when we talk while standing on it. Erm, anyways, we also learned how to balance 6 nails on one! A worthwhile trip!
We all left a little more knowledgeable than when we first arrived. We now know how it feels like to be in a helicopter thanks to the simulation ride. We also now know how it feels like working on the oil plant because some parts of the plant vibrates like crazy 24/7 and there was a tiny platform which vibrates and we all get to try standing on it. It was one of my fave. Don't get me wrong! We just sound very funny when we talk while standing on it. Erm, anyways, we also learned how to balance 6 nails on one! A worthwhile trip!
I did this one. :D