My, my. October is coming to an end! That means a lot of things:
1) End of October Vow (yay!)
2) HR and training stuffs to take care of at the end of every month (aiya)
3) Starting of November! Stress time- Audit, annual staff party, training modules, training needs, development plans, HR plans for 2009, etc etc etc... and mom's bday!
4) Time to plan for December! (hmm hmm!)
Anyways, I had fun in October... let some pictures do some talking:
Went for Fire Safety Training at Bomba Taman Desa! with real fire!
The team was excited
Still kinda excited
This is what we're going to do
Not without taking pictures first! (me and weilynn)
More pictures (omg, notice weilynn and I)
action time!
Moving on to bigger things, we learn a bit about hoses
Like how to carry it properly... omg, mommy!
Do not try to lift the hose reel you see in the corridor/staircase near you unless you really know how to! You may risk the following:
1)Broken rib cage if not carried properly and have the heavy head swing around and hit you
2)Embarassment if the hose comes undone... not cool.
3)If the hose rolls out, you need a big space to roll it back...
4).. which you may not do and risk hindering a fireman's job should there be a fire...
5)...which may result in you getting charged for hindering a fire rescue.. not cool at all...
Anyways, ready...
The worse part of everything is the cleaning up & rolling back the hose. heavy stuff.
The fun part was getting a ride on the fire truck! bee boo bee boo!
Another training definitely worth mentioning... training to be proper trainers...
That's us!
The only picture I have atm... even training on How to Make Maki Roll!
Well, the Maki Roll was not the focus. The focus was on training the chef on how to train other people and the Maki Roll was an added bonus. Hehe!
It was a really cool training as we had a great mix of departments. That's why I love hotels. We learned a lot and laughed a lot. It was funny watching a bartender learn some demure spa receptionist's work. It was funny watching a front desk staff who has never cooked before make Maki rolls. It was funny watching some clueless HR staff learn professional techniques on changing ashtrays. (that would be me). And THEN, we were also trying to explain lotsa Malaysian terms to our corporate trainee from Canada, Iris, when we naturally use them so often... like Mangkuk and kangkang and Die Die must do and so much more.
Funny through and through! some random quotes...
FO: Thank you very STRONG!
Duty Manager: Mangkuk means bowl... like not so bright you know... like empty bowl...
CT: "You're so bowl!"
FO: Please take a shit! (eh! seat! seat!)
F&B: Don't mix up... it is wine cork not cock... c-o-c-k. (eh! c-o-R-k!)
Trg: You might have 20 people in your apartment.. Department!
My ashtray trainer: "when you see the cigarette butt, B-U-T-T, you know it is time."
Grand finale:
"let us slot into your in between..."(when playing a game with some new hires and wanting to mix with all of them)
None stop.
On another day, I went around the hotel to take some photos of my colleagues. I told them to show me passion and posers they are! They went to the trouble to set up lotsa scenes for me... Camwhoring is in our blood! My faves:
Your glasses are in safe hands, baby!
First the little bowl, then crushed ice, then martini glass without stem, then shake-a-shake, et voila!
Wouldn't you want this cool coffee cocktail drink on a warm afternoon?Man, I love hotels!